Mindfulness is bringing full awareness to the present moment in a non-judgmental way. As we actively begin to shift our thought process we become observers of ourselves and our surrounding from moment to moment. From this perspective we are able to respond rather than react to our environment. Through this intentional practice we are able to change our relationship with our experiences, improve our mindset and well-being.
“Studies find that mindfulness training increases confidence, intelligence, and focus at work, leading to greater well-being”. - mindful.org
Yoga means “union” or “yoke”. It is an ancient mind-body philosophy originating in Indian. There are various schools of yoga. Hatha yoga, combines asanas (physical poses) pranayama (breathing exercises), and meditation. Proven to have numerous mental, physical, and psychological benefits, the art of yoga has been graciously passed down for over 5000 years.
“Yoga at the workplace has been shown to reduce absenteeism from sickness…to boost company morale and improve communication skills among employees.”
Meditation is the practice of concentrating or focusing the mind in a particular way in order to enhance mental clarity and psychological well-being. There are various forms of meditation. In essence, meditation is a technique used to notice our mental habits and behaviors, and to shift our mindset so that we can improve our state of being and happiness.
“Meditation decreases stress levels and increases overall productivity. It can improve focus, creativity and mood while strengthening personal and professional relationship”.
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What is…
Meditation: Learn the basics: techniques, benefits, and how to begin.
Mindfulness: how to get started and what to expect. Your mindful journey is ahead!
Yoga: wondering if you are yoga material? Well, guess what? Yoga is for everybody and every body. Get to know the basics.
Need some happy? UC Berkeley can give us some insight on the Science behind happy people.
How it works…
Mindfulness doesn’t have to be complicated or time consuming. Check out the 8 simple exercises to jump start your practice.
Science gives us 76 BENEFITS of meditation . As if we need more! Check out this article for the list explained.
Can mediation really change our brain? Recent studies show how our brain is affected by this ancient practice.
Yoga & meditation are avenues of Complimentary and Integrative Health according to the The National Institute of Health. Learn more about current research & programs.
STRESS ON THE JOB: Veterans, Corporate, & Teachers…
Yoga for PTSD? YES! “proof of yoga’s significant impact on reducing PTSD symptoms is made real by every veteran who completes a yoga course.”
Meditation worked as well as traditional therapy for military veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder in a small experiment sponsored by the Department of Defense.
Is mindfulness is a touchy-feely fad or valuable management tool that can lift an entire workplace?
Two new studies reveal how mindfulness may help create work/life habits that help you leave work at work, deal with stress, and remain self-aware and alert.
Through the power of mindfulness, teachers have the power to transform theirselves and their classrooms.