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Benefits of Mindfulness at the Workplace

Authentic and meaningful change begins with the intention to shift our mindset.
Google, Apple, The Huffington Post and both Oxford and Harvard Universities have implemented successful mindfulness programs with amazing results!
Thousands of studies have shown numerous positive effects of mindfulness, yoga, and meditation programs.
300% More Innovation (Harvard Business Review)
$3.00 to $1.00 ROI (Harvard Business Review)
125% less burnout (Harvard Business Review)
66% Fewer Sick Days (Forbes)
51% Less Turnover (Gallup)
31% Increased Productivity (Shawn Anchor)
Promote Work-Life Balance
Decrease Healthcare Costs
Boost Morale
Improve Communication
Regulate Emotions
Increase Happiness
Harness Creativity
Benefits of Zesa

In an 11-Month Study Participants Reported Improvements in All 6 Areas Measured!
Zesa implemented their 10-Week evidence-based Mindfulness Program with adult employees in a high stress corporate environment. Classes were held once per week for 45 minutes. Pre and post assessments were conducted over an 11-month period using a five-point Likert scale with 5 being the strongest agreement.